Caterpillar in the RURINNOVA competition

Caterpillar participated in the meeting held in Rome on March 1-2 entitled “Innovation and environmental sustainability: objectives and tools of the CAP 2023-2027.” The first day of the meeting provided an opportunity to start reflecting on the importance of innovation for environmental and climate issues and to illustrate the progress in the implementation of the Operational Groups (OGs), their results and the support actions offered by the National Rural Network. It was also possible to visit the exhibition of materials from OGs that participated in the RURINNOVA competition, including the poster made by Caterpillar.
The second day of work was dedicated to debate and sharing of experiences, first in group work, which allowed participants to discuss the key elements for the establishment and operation of operational groups and the definition and implementation of their projects, and then in the round table, during which a group of actors concretely involved in the implementation of GOs discussed their experiences, especially in view of the new 2023-2027 programming period. For more info visit